Hey there my lovelies!!
How are you all today? I hope you guys are having a fantastic week, I also hope you have all seen Deadpool (if you are old enough) because trust me, if you are under seventeen you definitely should not be watching it without a parent.

Last Thursday my partner and I took a day trip to Brisbane to go to IKEA to buy me a makeup desk! Yay, I know! But while we were there we figured we would make a day of it - considering we drove five hours round trip - and go and see Deadpool in gold class for 'Valentines Day' or what we like to call it "that totally over commercialised holiday to tell someone you love them Day". Now trust me, once you've seen a movie in gold class you won't want to watch it in a regular cinema again. It's just so much better, so comfortable and feels so luxurious! Anyhoo, enough about the cinema, Deadpool was freakin' awesome! I won't go into details because I know some of you will not have seen it but it is definitely worth watching it, even more than once. It is just that super hero movie that's like no other, it's exactly what Deadpool should be; crude, full of foul language and hilarious. Not to mention Ryan Reynolds is a phenomenal actor with a great ass! If anyone wants to have a chat with me about the movie head on over to my Facebook or Instagram and send me a message!!

After the movie I decided it was time to spend some of that brilliant money I had saved up for this exact purpose.... MAKEUP HAUL!!
So I made my way to Mecca Maxima and indulged. While I was there I think I literally bought out half the shop. Just kidding, I only spent $383AUD...
I fought with myself for a long time about whether I wanted to spend the money or not and in the end Julian convinced me that it was a good idea! I am so thankful he did, I've been waiting a long time to have some good makeup so this Haul was completely necessary (I sound like I'm still trying to convince myself). Anyhoo, I bought a few things from Mecca and today I'm just going to name them and give a price etc, I might do some reviews later for you guys.
So, firstly we have the Two Faced Chocolate Bar Palette, I have been wanting this palette for a good six months and when I decided I was going to purchase these goodies this palette was on the top of my list. I bought this for a total, $70AUD which honestly isn't too expensive for a high end eye shadow palette, the only bad thing is now I want the semi sweet palette and the Chocoloate bon bons palette.
Next is the Urban Decay|Gwen Stefani Palette which I bought for $95AUD, by far the most expensive product I bought but so totally worth it! The colours pigmentation is to die for and I had seen so many reviews for this and knew I just had to have it!
I have been wanting to buy the SmashBox Studio Skin Foundation for a while now and had actually made plans a while back to buy it next time I was in Brisbane, so obviously it was on my list. Turns out, I'm a lot paler than I thought, because now I wear the lightest shade available in a foundation.. Yay. I only paid $61AUD for this foundation which I thought was a pretty good price as I have heard some pretty great reviews and one of my good friends recommends it very highly! Can't wait to try it out!
Along with the Smashbox, I also purchased the NARS Sheer Glow Foundaiton in the shade Mont Blanc, I have heard amazing reviews about this foundation also and I actually don't have any good quality foundations so figured I better stock up! I paid $65Aud for this foundation which again I think is a reasonable price for a high end product, let's just hope it does the job, right?
The last two products that I bought, I did so purely because I have seen so many YouTubers using these and really wanted to try them for myself, and they are the Two Faced Better Than Sex Mascara which I paid $33AUD for and the Two Faced Cocoa Contour Kit which I paid $59AUD for. I think this kit is absolutely adorable and I can't wait to test this one out.
Along with Mecca I also dropped into Myer and bought a few products (So much money spent).
So firstly I stopped into Mac and purchased the Mineralize Skinfinish in the shade soft and gentle for a mere $47AUD. Again, I had no idea what to expect as I had only heard a lot about this product and seen it being used in YouTube tutorials but I really wanted to try it, I definitely was not disappointed, it is so gorgeous and shimmery, I can't wait to use it as a highlighter.
After watching Alexandra's review on the Clinique beyond perfecting foundation/concealer which you can find here, I just had to get some myself. As I said earlier I don't actually have any high end foundations so I definitely wanted to get a few to last me a while and I can't wait to try this one out! I only paid $50AUD for this foundation also which in my opinion is awesome for one with such high reviews!
Lastly I also stopped into Benefit which I was super excited about because I have been wanting a few products from Benefit for a while now and I was so happy to purchase them. So firstly I bought the Hoola Bronzer for $51AUD which I was stoked about, I have heard so many people rave over this product and I'm so excited to try it out for myself! Next I bought the They're Real mascara for $42AUD and the lady at the counter talked me into buying a second They're Real product so that I could receive the cosmetic bag with it, so I went for the They're Real remover which cost me $31AUD. I am actually super excited to try out the remover as I don't actually have a product to properly remove my eye makeup!
Lastly I wanted to purchase the Porefessional primer however I decided to buy this in the 'Get The Party Started' Kit as I only paid $62.30AUD for four products that would have cost me over $150AUD, so you could say I was pretty happy. In the kit came the Porefessional Primer, the That Gal Brightening Face Primer, the Posie Tint and the They're Real Push Up Liner.
So you could say I had quite an amazing day out and even though I sometimes feel awful that I spent so much on makeup I am super ecstatic at the same time because now I have a bunch of awesome makeup that I won't have to buy again for a while!
Anyway guys, I'm sorry this post was so long! I'm definitely going to leave it here! If you have any makeup you think I should look into buying, let me know in the comments below. If you have any comments about Deadpool, definitely let me know in the comments. I honestly do hope you guys are having an awesome week!
Until Next Time
BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo