Hello there every wonderful person joining in today to read my crazy blog.
Today's post is going to be yet another review; yes, another one! Today's however, will be a little different because today I am reviewing a TV show, probably one you have all already seen as I am somewhat late to the party with this one but in my defence I was only eleven when this show came out. You guessed it (well I guess you have), I am going to review season one of Heroes.
About two weeks ago Julian encouraged me to sit down and watch the first episode as he has done many times with many different shows and hasn't faulted me once! So I did. We got the first season and I indulged myself in the first few episodes and within the first two I found myself hooked, I couldn't wait to get home from work to watch the next episode, to find out how the story unfolded. Now, if you have ever watched a TV show with someone who has already seen said show you will know the agony of having to wait to find out all the juicy little bits while they sit next to you snickering about how they know if and when this person will die or who this bad guy is. It's torturing because on one hand I need to know but on the other hand I just want to find out when the show tells me and not before!
Now back to the show, the plot was intense! There were a few twists and turn I didn't see, but in saying that it really wasn't hard to follow the story, there were many things that I knew would happen before they did. I think this really created a nice balance for the viewers. I honestly think the actors portrayed the characters incredibly, for instant I hated Sylar, if you have seen the show you will know why, if not watch it and you will find out. But I honestly believe I truly hated Sylar because Zachary Quinto did an amazing job at portraying the character. Unfortunately though when I think of Sylar all I can think of is eyebrows...
I feel as though I was kept on edge throughout the entirety of the season, and couldn't wait to see how it all played out!
Now obviously I have to have a part in here of my favourite and least favourite characters! So as I have said my least favourite character would definitely have to be Sylar just purely for the fact that he was just such a creepy human being, as he should be!
However my favourite character would have to be a tie between Hiro and Peter. Peter just never gave up he was someone who knew what he had to do and knew how to get it done. However Hiro was just a happy guy, and the fact that he could barely speak English often made me laugh, but he did make me angry a few times with his whiny attitude.
I would have to say that the ending peeved me off a little bit, I feel as if nothing was justified. I was left with so many questions which leaves me wondering how everything went down. To be honest I just hate season finales simply for that reason and because people die. I can honestly say I am super excited to see how season two turns out and will definitely be watching that in the very near future!
I hope you guys enjoyed this review. As I said, I'm sure most of you have probably seen it but hopefully you enjoyed my opinion. I will be posting again real soon with another review that I'm really excited about!
I also got a lot of skin care products today that I hope with work wonders and I can do a review for you on those!
Anyway guys,
Until Next Time
BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo
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