Friday, 30 October 2015

Lipsense Review

Hello my lovelies,
Welcome back to today's review of Lipsense products.  Now, I can only assume you are all sitting, looking at your screen wondering; Brittanie, what the hell are lipsense products?  Well my friends you have been greatly missing out and I am here to help!  I have no idea how I have not already raved about these products in my blogs already as they are beyond amazing and definitely one of my all time favourites.  

Ladies, let me ask you this; have you ever put on your makeup for a night out or even for a night in and lastly put your lipstick on just to realise you were about to eat? We all know that feeling when we have to reapply our lipstick after its smudged off all over our food.  Well what if I told you there was a product out there that didn't smudge? That didn't rub off, didn't even get on your teeth? Surely you think I'm lying by now? I'm not, I swear.  

About 10 months ago I found Luscious Beauty Online on facebook and was instantly amazed with the quality of lipsense. I could best describe lipsense as a stain but its much much more than that! It uses 3 coats of the same or different colours with a gloss overcoat to create some stunning lip colours! When I first messaged the girls on facebook I must have driven them nuts with all my question; how does it stay on? Is it animal cruelty free? How long does it last? How much does it cost etc.  However they were amazing, absolute gems, answering every single question without fault, giving me every detail I desired. By the end of my incessant questioning I was ready to buy, however I didn't have the money at that point so I entered one of their many competitions and was lucky enough to win and received a colour, gloss and ooops remover collection valued at $66AUD.  From there it didn't stop, I saved my pennies and eventually bought myself two more glosses and three more colours for myself for my birthday - I don't generally spend that much money in one hit.

To answer a few of my question I through around up there, it does not get tested on animals but on the CEO herself, it stays on because of the three layer technique as pictured above, it can last up to 18hrs and for the cost, I will reveal that one in a second. 

They have wonderfully categorised the lipsense colours on the website into three different skin tones, colours for neutral, yellow and blue so that you can choose a colour matched to your skin tone. If you are unsure of what skin tone you are you can always do what I did and ask the wonderful ladies behind the facebook page if they can tell you what tone you are by sending them a picture of your naked face.  Honestly they the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with! I could not recommend them highly enough!

Now let's talk price.  Yes these products are pricey but once you try them you will realise why; they are unbelievably perfect.  They are the only product I have found that won't budge when put it on your lips.  Okay, I hear you asking, So how does it come off? Well that's what the ooops remover is for.  A little bit of the remover, a little bit of warm water and voila it's off. Essentially I would recommend purchasing the collection for $66AUD that way you have the base colour, gloss and remover and from there I'm sure you will add to your collection! Colours alone stand at $34AUD and glosses at $26AUD.  At the moment I am quite sure the company I buy from only ship within Australia but also have distributors in America and Canada for customers over there. I was, at one stage considering being a distributor for this amazing company so if you think you would purchase some of these items let me know in the comments and I will definitely consider becoming a distributor!  

I honestly could rave on about this product for hours but I think I'll stop it there before the boredom sets in.  If you have any questions at all about things I may have forgotten to cover by all means leave me a comment.  If you would consider buying from me if I became a distributor let me know in the comments also.  Thankyou so much guys for tuning in today!

Until Next Time
BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo

Monday, 26 October 2015

I'm Lost

Have you ever felt so lost you didn't know who you truly were? What really made you happy or what you really aspired to be like? For the last few months this is how I have been feeling, and no it doesn't feel good.  I have been in a constant funk.  There are days where I'm like a walking vessel, smiling, chatting, laughing but really I'm feeling nothing.  I'm in a menial Job that I only wanted to be in for maximum one year, but I can't fault it.  Although the hours are not ideal the people are great, caring and honestly want to see me excel but how do I do this when I don't know what I want to do?   

I say all I want to do is travel and although this is one hundred percent true it seems like each day travel seems further and further away. I feel like I'm never going to reach my destination, something is always going to be in the way. Whether it be money, life or people. I feel like I'm never going to see any of the places I want to.

Although I try so so hard to not let my weight get me down, I still have those days.  Don't get me wrong I have awesome days where I feel attractive as hell and am super happy with my progress but along with everyone else going through the journey of excepting oneself I still frequently have those days where I can't bare to see myself in the mirror.  I get so angry at myself for my body image and even though I know this is not helping me at all I can't seem to see past the faults and insecurities that I have. There are days when all I can think is, why did you let yourself become so fat? I hate those days. 

Recently I have started cosplay and although I am utterly enjoying myself with the freedom it gives me I can't help but feel that it isn't me.  It's never been me. Even though I really enjoy it I still feel like I'm doing it to just fit in, to find new friends as I don't make friends easily. 
I'm changing, it's strange.  I've always been a country girl, always loved animals, but why do I let that define me? Why can't I let myself change? I've had a few people tell me I've really changed since I've moved out of home, that I've become a city girl and for some reason that really hurts me, I don't know if its because of who said it to me or the fact that I'm so scared to change, but I know I have.  I've grown up, I've had to, I've got bills now, a home, responsibilities.

  I know I have many people who care about me, number one being my partner and don't get me wrong I am so happy to be with him and to be alive and I can't wait for my future, our future to progress but right now I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, it all just feels so very overwhelming. I know we have goals, dreams and big travel plans in the making but it all seems so far away, like it will never actually arrive. But trust me I will never actually give up on my dreams, they may only be dreams now but one day I will make them a reality, and I can't wait for that day!

Now I don't want to be sorry for this post as it is my blog and I want to feel comfortable posting whatever I want and today I was just feeling a little down, thought having an outlet may help; we'll see. 
Thank you if you are someone in my life who cares for me, I love you.
Even if you're just a reader, Thank you for taking your time to read my post, I hope it may possibly help someone out there who may be going through similar issues and I also hope it helps me.   

Anyways Guys
Until Next Time 
BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Hot Glue Gem Tutorial Review

I'm Back! With yet another review, who would have guessed?
A few weeks ago a friend of mine - if you're into cosplay you probably know her by the nick Tanzoir, if not well she is a very wonderful friend of mine - uploaded a Hot Glue Gem Tutorial to Youtube which can be found at:
Last night I gave this tutorial a go with wonderful results and today I'm going to review it for you!

Firstly, if you're a cosplayer and are not following miss Tanzoir on all platforms I highly recommend you do, she is an all round amazing person and an incredibly talented cosplayer.  She has recently started up her Youtube channel at: and this is where I found this marvelous tutorial.  I have been waiting for this tutorial for a while and I was super excited when she posted it as I really want to use this technique to make my gems on my Raven cosplay.  Unfortunately I couldn't try it straight away as I didn't have all the utensils.  For this technique I found it really easy using the silicone baking tray which I bought at:  it made it super easy to remove the gem once fully cooled.  

Basically all you will need for this tutorial is a heatproof silicone baking tray, Hot glue gun and glue sticks, microwave, eyeshadow of your chosen colour or a powdered colour substance, container to put the powder in, and a stirring stick (chopstick or toothpick will do the trick).

This technique is actually really simple once you understand what you have to do, the hardest and most time consuming part is getting the glue into the tray in the first place.  I got impatient and because it was a trial I didn't use as much glue as I would if I was making an actual gem.  Unfortunately I didn't have any red eyeshadow (I wanted to make a red gem) and wasn't sure if this would work with something that wasn't a powder so I opted to use my pretty purple/pink eyeshadow.  I was initially concerned when the glue started to stiffen so quickly, I was worried that even putting it in the microwave wouldn't remelt it.  I was pleasantly surprised when I did take it out of the microwave and it was very easy to stir in the powdered eyeshadow.  I will say a warning here, be extremely careful when attempting this as you are working with hot glue and common sense needs to be used.  Please try not to burn yourself. 

When reheating my glue I wasn't sure what heat setting my microwave was on but I feel that for me three minutes may have been too long, so I would recommend trialing this method in your own microwave with the three minutes that Tanzoir advises and from that make an informed decision on whether or not this is too long or just right.  Because mine was too hot I found that my gem got little air bubbles in it and when I do it again I plan to do it for thirty second bursts until it is just right.  I also found that even though I thought I had mixed it enough I hadn't quite got all of the colour through the glue so also when I do it again I will be sure to be thorough and mix it very well.  I find that this tutorial is not overly difficult but it does require a bit of practise.  Obviously practise makes perfect!

So just to recap I feel as though this technique is really something that I could see myself using quite a bit in my future cosplays and is something that even beginners like me can benefit from. So Thank you Tanzoir for the wonderful tutorial, I hope there are many more to come! 

Thankyou guys for once again tuning in and I hope to have another post up for you very soon!

Until Next Time
BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo

Friday, 23 October 2015

Heroes Season One Review

Hello there every wonderful person joining in today to read my crazy blog.  
Today's post is going to be yet another review; yes, another one! Today's however, will be a little different because today I am reviewing a TV show, probably one you have all already seen as I am somewhat late to the party with this one but in my defence I was only eleven when this show came out.  You guessed it (well I guess you have), I am going to review season one of Heroes.  

About two weeks ago Julian encouraged me to sit down and watch the first episode as he has done many times with many different shows and hasn't faulted me once!  So I did.  We got the first season and I indulged myself in the first few episodes and within the first two I found myself hooked, I couldn't wait to get home from work to watch the next episode, to find out how the story unfolded.  Now, if you have ever watched a TV show with someone who has already seen said show you will know the agony of having to wait to find out all the juicy little bits while they sit next to you snickering about how they know if and when this person will die or who this bad guy is.  It's torturing because on one hand I need to know but on the other hand I just want to find out when the show tells me and not before!

Now back to the show, the plot was intense! There were a few twists and turn I didn't see, but in saying that it really wasn't hard to follow the story, there were many things that I knew would happen before they did.  I think this really created a nice balance for the viewers.  I honestly think the actors portrayed the characters incredibly, for instant I hated Sylar, if you have seen the show you will know why, if not watch it and you will find out.  But I honestly believe I truly hated Sylar because Zachary Quinto did an amazing job at portraying the character.  Unfortunately though when I think of Sylar all I can think of is eyebrows... 
I feel as though I was kept on edge throughout the entirety of the season, and couldn't wait to see how it all played out!

Now obviously I have to have a part in here of my favourite and least favourite characters!  So as I have said my least favourite character would definitely have to be Sylar just purely for the fact that he was just such a creepy human being, as he should be!
However my favourite character would have to be a tie between Hiro and Peter.  Peter just never gave up he was someone who knew what he had to do and knew how to get it done.  However Hiro was just a happy guy, and the fact that he could barely speak English often made me laugh, but he did make me angry a few times with his whiny attitude.  

I would have to say that the ending peeved me off a little bit, I feel as if nothing was justified.  I was left with so many questions which leaves me wondering how everything went down.  To be honest I just hate season finales simply for that reason and because people die.  I can honestly say I am super excited to see how season two turns out and will definitely be watching that in the very near future!

I hope you guys enjoyed this review.  As I said, I'm sure most of you have probably seen it but hopefully you enjoyed my opinion.  I will be posting again real soon with another review that I'm really excited about! 
I also got a lot of skin care products today that I hope with work wonders and I can do a review for you on those!

Anyway guys,
Until Next Time 

BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo

Monday, 19 October 2015

Chibi Wig Review from Arda Wigs!!

Hello there everyone; 
I hope you're all having a wonderful day!  Today I am super excited to write this review! I have nothing but praise for this beautiful Chibi wig I bought from Arda Wigs! Available at:

When I first found this site I was looking for a wig for my She Hulk cosplay and was quite shocked at the price of Arda wigs, to be one hundred percent honest I completely overlooked Arda and decided to buy a different wig off Etzy.  Since then I had one of my good friends recommend Arda to me for amazing quality wigs so naturally I had to find out for myself.  I was searching for a perfect wig to fit my Harley Quinn cosplay and decided to give Arda a look over and found their Chibi Wig, I overlooked the price this one time and impulsively bought it in platinum blonde.  I can honestly say it was the best thing I could have done!  

Granted, these wigs are expensive; however they are so totally worth the money, for my Chibi wig I paid in total, including shipping approximately $80AUD. I do feel that the shipping cost is a bit pricey as I think I paid roughly $16USD shipping which roughly rounds to $21AUD, so I would recommend saving up and buying more than one wig at a time just so that cost is worth it.  On the site it was estimated to arrive between two to six weeks from purchase however mine arrived within ten days which had me super excited to try it on!  On the inside of the wig it has three little combs to help keep it in place which I thought were really helpful.  I feel this wig is a much higher quality to one you may find on sites such as ebay and thus the price difference, however if you could just feel it yourself you would instantly feel the difference.  

I have so many favourite things about this site I could go on forever, but just a few are the fact that they have so so many different styles of wigs available, different wigs that can then be styled to your needs.  They have numerous different hair colours within every style of wig, it's just a never ending list of possible wigs that you can constantly search through.  At the moment I am saving up to buy a Merry Classic wig in the colour pumpkin for my Merida cosplay and a Jane Classic wig in the colour black for my Snow white cosplay.  I am super excited and can't wait to puchase these two and hopefully review those for you! 

Anyways guys, thank you so much for reading my blog, it really means a lot to me, if you have any questions at all leave them in the comments! I was so excited to get back to a review style post for you guys! I'd been waiting for weeks to review this wig! 

Until next time guys, have an amazing day!
BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo

Friday, 16 October 2015

My Travel Goals

Oh hey there guys! Yes, I know, another personal post, how dare I?
Well I kind of like the aspect of personal posts! It allows me to somehow express who I am in words.  

Today's post is going to be based around my travel goals, and goodness do I have an endless array of them.  When I was younger I never thought of travelling, it was never on my mind, however as soon as I left school it became the one and only thing I wanted to do with my life! Don't get me wrong, I want to have a career and maybe someday have a family but, I am absolutely obsessed with the idea of travelling right now before any of that. I feel very strongly that if I am to travel I must do it now, before I settle down, before I have too many commitments.  I would have to say that not travelling and seeing the endless sights the world has to offer would have to be very high on my scared of list.

When I left school I had my whole life planned - work for a year and make money, go to Uni and get further education, get a good job and have a family.  That soon changed during the first year.  It didn't take long for life to get in the way, I decided I wanted to live, see things while I was young, experience all that I could before I was forced to be an adult. I very quickly found that I loved photography, I wasn't very good at it too start off with but a little bit of practice goes a long way! For the last six months I have been trying to better my photography skills so that when I do travel I can take, what I like to believe will be extraordinary photographs!  

Now, as a child I never really traveled at all.  I have never seen outside of Queensland, so travelling to the other side of the world excites me no end! My first trip will be at the beginning of next year, my partner and I are planning a trip to Sydney and possibly Melbourne, which for me is amazing.  I am such a newbie at travelling, you can just imagine how excited I am.  I also have never flown so that's also something new. 

As for across the world, my first city I want to see is Amsterdam, don't ask me why; it's just at the top of my list! I think it will be absolutely gorgeous, a real different vibe to what Australia has.  The second place would have to be Ireland and England, the old building and architecture intrigues me so much and I would love to photograph it and see all the old history in the cities! Venezuela after that, there is an ongoing lightening storm that occurs over the mouth of the Catatumbo River where it empties into Lake Maracaibo.  I would love to witness that natural beauty and also Angel Falls which is also located in Venezuela!  Norway, Sweden New Zealand and Rome are also high on my list of places I want to see. Basically I would love to just spend my life travelling!  

There is a saying that states, 'if travelling was free, you would never see me', I feel like this is me in a nut shell! 
Anyway guys, Thank you so much for reading again and I hope you're enjoying these personal posts!  If you have any suggestion on places I should visit, or places of interest within the cities please let me know in the comments! I would love to have some information!! 

Until next time guys, have a wonderful day!!
BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo

Monday, 12 October 2015

This Is Me!

Hello to all you beautifully wonderful people, today's post is going to be a little bit different.  I thought it was only fair that, because I am hoping each of you will become frequent readers, I share with you some information about myself.

Firstly, this is me, Brittanie.  I am a 20 year old - I want to say girl, but I guess I'm a woman now..  I live in Queensland Australia and am probably the weirdest person you will ever meet. If you had told me 2 years ago that I would have a blog that I write, I would have never believed you.  It was never something that I thought I could do, or want to do.  However over the past few months I have found myself changing from the girl I once was, maturing you could say.  I have been trying to find myself a hobby, something that I can fully be passionate about and I have been lucky enough to find two, this blog and Cosplay.  Which brings me to my next topic..

When I first heard the word Cosplay my response quite simply was, "what is that?" I had no clue and to be completely honest when I was fully informed I never thought I would want to try it. That lasted until about 4 months ago, when my partner and I were discussing going to Brisbane Supanova.  We decided that it was only fitting to cosplay at this event as we really didn't want to be the odd ones out and thought it might be fun.  Fun shortly turned into exciting and well you could say I'm quite frankly head over heels for cosplay.  I love the freedom it gives, the ability to be whoever I want.  I'm not a very confident person and definitely don't make friends easily, I have this horrible trait where when I first begin a friendship I go a tad overboard and that often loses said friendship, it's not fun.  However I'm hoping that cosplay will help me make many friends from all over and give me something to connect with, it allows me to let go of my insecurities and be someone completely different for a few hours, and that is a completely refreshing feeling. 

In the beginning of 2014 I was lucky enough to find this handsome man and we quickly became best friends, mid 2014 I was lucky enough to call him my boyfriend; my partner in crime.  He has been the most amazing partner I could have ever asked for and wholeheartedly supports me in everything I do.  I can quite easily say that he has become the straw to my berry, the apple to my pie, if you will.  Sorry haha
I cannot thank him enough for being the perfect man that he is, but I will try to everyday!

I feel like these are the most needed to know aspects of me, however I may have just bored you to death.  Sorry if I did, but I promise another review will be coming your way soon.  Thank you so much for reading this and if you have any further question please don't hesitate to ask! 

Anyway guys,

Until next time, I have to go cook a scrumptious dinner, have a lovely week and I'll be posting again soon!
BrittanieDe-ann  xoxo

Saturday, 10 October 2015

BH Cosmetics Brush Set

Hey guys!
Today I am going to review BH Cosmetics 14 piece signature brush set, I bought this brush set roughly a month ago, and I can honestly say I was super excited to receive it.

I have recently been watching a You tuber called Alex, her channel known as LearningToBeFearless, and she has changed my life, I know that sounds dramatic but honestly she has helped me through a lot of issues.  Also has, through her tutorials helped me with my makeup skills.  I first heard of BH Cosmetics through her channel and went searching from there.  

I quickly found this brush set which had everything I was looking for, the container they came in is super cute and I use both top and bottom to store my brushes.  This set contains:

The quality of these brushes are amazing, obviously they aren't high end makeup brushes but they are a cheaper alternative.  I bought my set for $20USD which comes to $27AUD not including shipping.  Which for 14 good quality makeup brushes, I thought was awesome, I was also given a blush as a gift when I purchased.  They arrived about two weeks after I bought them in a nicely packed box.  

I have found these brushes to be very gentle and soft on my skin without any of the bristles falling out.  They pick up and distribute a nice amount of product without having to be too extreme.  They are also very easy to clean as I also bought a brush cleaning spray from BH Cosmetics that you just have to spray on the bristles and wipe off.  Works a dream!

I would highly recommend this brush set to any beginner as it is affordable, great quality and has a wide range of brushes!! 

Anyway, until next time guys, have a great week!
Please leave any questions you have in the comments! Let me know if you've become a frequent reader, I'd love to know!
BrittanieDe-ann xoxo

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Lensvillage Geo Twins Green Lens YH303

Hey Guys,
Today I will be reviewing these Geo Twins Green Lens YH303 from Lensvillage!

I bought these contacts roughly two months ago and they were the first contacts I had ever bought.  I was fairly worried to begin with, mainly because I had never seen contacts in person and I wasn't sure if the green would stand out on my naturally dark brown eyes.    

I was super excited to receive these lenses and they arrived within three weeks of purchase, they were packaged in a little glass bottle each, wrapped in bubble wrap! I was quite unsure as to how to use these so the instructions really came in handy (who would have thought?).  

I was extremely impressed when I finally got them in my eyes to see that the colour was quite vibrant and definitely noticeable on my brown eyes.  I really love the colour of these contacts and am very glad I purchased them, the yellow tinge around the pupil I feel, really brightens up the whole eye.  As I bought these contacts for my Black Widow Cosplay, I'm really thrilled that they actually go well with my red wig! The only negative thing I have found is something to do with me, not the contacts and its that I constantly have the contacts fall on my eyelashes when trying to put them in my eye and that then causes little tiny pieces of mascara to irritate my eye, I'm trying really hard to avoid this happening. 

As for price, I feel as though these were great value, as I bought them for approximately $34AUD including shipping, meaning they were only $19USD, one of the cheapest contacts on the site!  I had absolutely no trouble when buying these, I was given an order number and was able to track, not where they were but I was notified as to when they were shipped and an estimated arrival date.   

All in all I had a wonderful experience purchasing from lensvillage and definitely will continue to in the future, I currently have two pairs of contacts on route to me in the mail.. yay haha 

Anyway, until next time guys, have a great week!
Don't hesitate to ask any questions!
BrittanieDe-ann xoxo