Well hello there,
I'm just going to apologise in advance for all the christmassy goodness I am about to obsess over!
Although I have just spent the weekend at Brisnova I'm going to leave the PT2 of the supanova experience until Thursday, are you excited?
So today I'm going to let you all in on a little secret... I LOVE CHRISTMAS! More than most normal people! It is my most favourite part of the year by far. I'm not 100% sure why but I'm always happy over christmas ridiculously stressed but happy.
Although there are numerous things I love about christmas there are still things I don't like. Nothing in general really about the holiday itself, mostly about the weather and what that brings with it. I hate summer for the most part, don't get me wrong though I like beaches and pools but I never go to them when its hot and air-con is ridiculously expensive! Mostly though, I hate that I mainly watch you-tubers that are in the Northern hemisphere and are now coming into winter, it's not fair at all! All I want is to burn a candle and wear a cute christmas sweater. I want to be able to bake til my hearts content without dying of heat exhaustion! If only I could afford to move to Europe I would be much happier! I'll always want for a white christmas, maybe I should ask Santa!
That is however all I dislike about Christmas, I love the holiday, I love the decorating! I love the family time and I love the time off. I love the carols and the Christmas shopping. I love the presents and mostly I absolutely love buying for others, I don't know why but I love the excitement coming up to christmas, I always have. The unknowing suspense of them opening the present. Today in the shopping centre I saw a little girl writing her list for Santa, how adorable! I do miss being a kid at christmas time, but that doesn't mean I don't have as much fun as I used too, I think I have more fun! Decorating is one of my favourites, you can never have to many decorations! I have already put my tree up, and next Monday is my work christmas party, so I have decided my post next Monday will be about all the little christmas goodies I'm going to bake and make! Be ready for a few cute Christmas recipes!!
Anyway guys, I won't bore you any further with christmassy goodness! What's your favourite part about christmas? Do you like it as much as me?
See you Thursday!!
Until Next Time
BrittanieDe-Ann xoxo